Wednesday, March 30, 2011


So, let me set the stage for the photo below.

I have been doing the online dating thing for a few years.  About a year ago, a guy emailed me, then we talked a few times and then nothing for almost a year. Here we are a a few weeks ago and he emails me again...

Have I mentioned I take online dating with a grain of salt?  I hope for the best, expect the worst, enjoy meeting new people and enjoying the sheer entertainment value!  Believe me, there is much entertainment value!!!!!
This is a sheer entertainment value. 

I have to admit, I really dislike it when a guy gets incredibly "sexual" quickly, especially when you haven't even met.

Alas, that's the case with this one....

We have never met, texted a bit and only talked on the phone once in the past few weeks.

And then, I get this picture mail.....(there was a song that I couldn't get  on the post)

I am not a prude by any stretch of the imagination but seriously, this is what you send me even though we have never met and only talked on the phone once??

Never going to happen for you buddy!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

First Online Date....

I moved into the online dating area of the world a few years ago.  I am not sure where you meet people after you get out of college.

I don't date at work, I don't date my children's friends divorced parents or spend a lot of time hanging out in bars.  Plus, the bar scene in Scottsdale, AZ is really not normal.   There is so much botox, boob jobs, liposuction, bleach blond hair that normal "people" really don't stand a chance.  I always joke that my chest is big enough....but my body is not a toothpick, nor has it ever really been a toothpick.

Which gets me back to online dating, still a visual sport but it does allow you a wider breadth of exposure.

So, first online "non" date (his words, not mine)

We decided to do a "drive by" meet & greet on a Weds. for a quick lunch at a point between our respective offices.  So, that pointed ended up being the very sexy KFC.  Anyway, during the course of our 30 minute lunch he told me about his "deal breakers" in relationships and general views on life.  I was ambivalent but had to get back to work.

So, we proceed to text off and on through the next few days.  As it happened I was spending a long weekend in DC to visit friends before a business meeting on Tuesday.  As we were texting, he asked me if I could send him more photos.  I said that I really didn't have any more than were any different from my online profile.  That is when it came....."You don't have any pictures that are a bit 'sexier'?"

Oh, so you mean NAKED or less clothed.  Yeah, I am going to send those to you on my phone.  Needless to say, respect is a deal breaker for me and I told him as much. 

So, it was onward and upward to the next adventure.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Stories from Today!

I have two short stories from today.  One mine and one from a friend.

I need to preface this with a note that yes, there is online dating involved in these stories.  For those of you that ask, why online dating?  Well, if you don't date at work (I don't), don't date the divorced parents of your children's friends (I don't) and don't spend tons of time at the bar (I don't), you quickly run out of ways to meet people. 

Online dating, you have to take it with a grain of salt, have a positive attitude, hope for the best and take everything in stride. we are at the stories for today!

1.  I get an email today: You read like a good woman so I am interested also looks dont hurt either LOL well i am here Sincerely, Tom
I was a bit flummoxed when I read that email.  I thought of a couple things I couldn't say girlfriend came up with the best response that I will never send because it would be mean but it did make me laugh!

"You seem to have all of your teeth but by the way you write, you probably shouldn't.    Congratulations for breaking the stereotype."

2.  My girlfriend "dated" a guy who was kinda like "white on rice" at the beginning when he was trying to woo her...then, after it appeared he "had" her, he cut back and only really seemed to contact/see her enough to only enough to keep her interested.  Unfortunately, when push came to shove, he decided that dating her would force him to have less time with his friends and lose some of his independence. Hmm...isn't that what happens eventually in relationships?

So, they broke up but stayed in minimal contact until my friend realized that she couldn't be friends with someone that she still cared for so severed the contact completely and told him being in contact with him was just too hard because she still cared for him.  This was 3 weeks ago and she was VERY BLUNT and HONEST with her decision to which he agreed.

It just makes you scratch your head sometimes. 

OK guys, I hate to make this an all girl perspective...can you please comment or give your view on this type fo situation???

Who Am I?

Well, I am 42 year old woman with 2 children and a deceased ex-husband whose bills I am still paying 6 months after his death as I am trying to settle his estate (there might be some general ranting about because I really thought when I got the ex-wife moniker I was exonerated from any further dealings with his finances and property. Um, no, not really!).  Yeah, try to use that as an opening line on a date!  Some have been good, some have been a$$holes (ok, only 1 but he was "interesting" enough he is going to get 2 posts!).

Anyway....I have been thinking about starting this blog for a long time because really, sometimes you can't make up the stuff that happens in the real world!

Some of the stories you will see on this blog are mine but I am hoping I get stories from both sides of the fence...guys and gals!  We are all out there hoping to find someone special to share our time with and move forward in life.

Even after divorce, I still believe in love.  Granted, it is not the all out, all consuming LOVE it was when I was younger but a more mature love with incredibly intricate logistics.  Even with all that, I still think there is love and hand to hold out there.  My only problem (and if you believe that, I have some ocean front property in Arizona to sell you) is finding it!